SECME Competition February 15th Reminders

SECME Competition Upcoming Deadlines
February 15th Reminders and Updates
Happy Tuesday!
It has been decided that SECME’s 2022 National Engineering Design Student Competition Finals will be a virtual competition event. The SECME National Office would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continuous support and look forward to seeing what your talented SECME students will be presenting this competition season!
SECME ExxonMobil Book Scholarship: SECME is pleased to announce that we are now accepting applications for the 2022 SECME ExxonMobil Book Scholarship Awards. These scholarships are one-time book scholarships in the amount of $250.00. Winners will be notified on or before May 9, 2022. The application deadline is Monday, April 4, 2022. Please ensure that your SECME senior has this information.
Click here for the scholarship application link.
Monthly Reminders!
This year’s SECME Competition theme is:
SECME 45 Years: Honoring the Past, Embracing the Present, to Build a Better Future
Click here for the SECME Competition Logo.
SECME Regional Competition Registration opens Monday, March 14, and closes Monday, April 4.
SECME Regional Competition Required Documents are to be submitted by the SECME Coordinator no later than Monday, April 11. Uploading instructions and links will be sent after your competition host registers/certifies your winning students/student teams.
Please click here to review the required documents based on competition and division.
SECME New Schools/ISLs only - Click here to submit your school or ISL commitment forms (electronic submission only!)
SECME Returning Schools and ISLs. Click here to login and update your school and student data for the 2021-2022 academic year!
Click here to login to get your copy of the 2021-2022 SECME National Student Competition Guidelines today!
Click here to access Frequently Asked Questions!
Calling ALL SECME Coordinators!
Please help the SECME National Office identify SECME alumni! Share the links below!
Click here for the SECME Alumni reconnecting with the SECME National Office form.
Click here for SECME Coordinators to identify their SECME students, now SECME Alumni who have completed their post-secondary studies and are now working form.
Click here to share your SECME story as a SECME Coordinator.