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University Partners:

Why Get Involved with SECME?

​                                                                SECME provides a proven framework for engaging and preparing underrepresented and under-served students for majors and careers in engineering, technology and the sciences.

                                                                            Our University Council boasts 40 Member Engineering Universities, each committed to supporting SECME initiatives in their local school districts and recruiting SECME students from across the nation.

SECME’s national network of university, corporate and K-12 education partners provide a forum for dissemination of best practices and an alliance of like-focused organizations who can partner for improved outcomes.​

Your institution's participation in SECME not only enhances your local student recruitment strategies, but provides you access to a pool of well-prepared pre-engineering students nationwide.

SECME partners are promoted through our on-going communications with students, educators, parents and industry partners.

SECME conferences and institutes provide professional development, networking opportunities and venues to promote your institution’s strengths and best practices

​SECME is not a curriculum. We offer SECME as an "umbrella" pre-college STEM education initiative, which you can enhance through existing and new grants, and match to your institution's strategic goals.

​SECME Member Universities pay annual dues of $500, which also serves as your registration fee for the SECME STEM Pipeline Diversity Summit at the SECME Summer Institute. Register your university today to join the SECME Alliance.



According to the Center for Teaching and Learning, research shows that the quality of classroom teaching is the single most influential factor in a student's achievement.

SECME recognizes that investing in teachers pays exponential return on investment in student achievement, year after year. SECME provides educators with professional development, resources, learning communities and networks to improve content knowledge, and instructional practice; access technology and resources; and inspire and engage students.

It costs nothing to register your school with SECME and take advantage of what we offer teachers. Join the SECME Alliance today!


The Annual SECME Summer Institute is an opportunity for educators to gain graduate-level, turn--key STEM content and teaching strategies and national best practices from the Nation's top educators and researchers. Click here to learn more about the SECME Summer Institute. Limited Scholarships are available.

Click here to complete the Summer Institute Interest Form if you're interested in attending. 


  • SECME programs prepare your child both academically and socially for admission and success in college (particularly in science, technology, engineering and mathematics)

  • SECME encourages K-12 and university educators and parents to collaborate for the students’ success

  • SECME Member Universities are committed to assisting parents and students through the college readiness and admissions process

  • SECME's EP2 Program (Empowering Parents to Excel at Parenting) is designed to educate parents to become their childrens' best advocate for academic achievement, college access and career success.


SECME - Your STEM Workforce Pipeline Diversity Partner


SECME partners with industry and government organizations who share our commitment to equity and excellence in STEM education. Our proven strategy for STEM achievement and post-secondary access for underrepresented students provides you a framework in which to develop your STEM education outreach program.


Local, state and national SECME programs rely on financial and in-kind sponsor support and to ensure all students have access to engaging and challenging STEM content and opportunities.


SECME local and and national programs recruit volunteers to coach STEM competition student teams at the elementary, middle and high school levels. Volunteers also serve as competition judges and support personnel. SECME partner schools, informal education programs and universities may also conduct educator or student workshops and career events for which they seek facilitators or speakers.  


The Annual SECME Summer Institute is a residential STEM professional development institute for classroom educators designed to improve STEM instruction in your target communities. Research shows that science, math and technology teachers in poorer and high-minority communities are less likely to hold science, math or technology degrees than those in more affluent communities. In addition, research says that the single-most influential factor (outside of the home) for a student's achievement is the quality of classroom instruction they receive. Investing in a teacher's content knowledge and ability to inspire students' interest pays returns for many years and many students. 

Please contact us to learn more about volunteering or sponsorship.



SECME student data shows that students who participate in SECME programs consistently out-score their peers on the SAT, improve their science and math performance and choose STEM majors at a higher rate than the national average. Participating in your school's SECME program provides:


  • Fun and interesting programs, activities, and mentors to prepare you for college admission and teach about careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. Click here to download SECME partner Summer Program listing.

  • National network of Member Universities which recruit SECME students to their institutions

  • Scholarships, internships, competitions and networking to pave your way through college to high-paying STEM careers. Click HERE for the 2017 - 2018 SECME Exxonmobil Scholarship Guidelines. 

  • A network of SECME alumni, industry and university partners all committed to your success

  • If your school or student group does not have a SECME program and would like to, visit our resources and forms page to download the commitment form, have your principal or adult group leader complete and return the form to get started. It costs nothing...... 3 -- 2 -- 1 -- LAUNCH!




Please visit our new website at the University of Florida.

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