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2018 SECME Summer Institute

hosted by

Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, Daytona Beach FL

June 17-22

Join us for the 42nd  Annual SECME Summer Institute and experience our 42 year legacy as the only professional development Institute dedicated to equity in STEM initiatives by bringing together K-12 educators, university faculty, and industry and government experts to share the best of the best in their fields of expertise to promote inclusion in "learning and doing science, technology, engineering, and math."

June 17-22: The SECME Summer Institute Professional Development Experience...

...brings together STEM educators and education leadership for learning, collaboration, and dialog. Participants take advantage of a wide range of interest specific elective professional development module options, network with STEM Pipeline Summit participants, and earn professional development credits.

Who should attend? 

Elementary, middle, and high school teachers; Building-level Leadership (principals, assistant principals,         curriculum coordinators); and informal STEM education facilitators.

Registration Packages:

All inclusive (Registration, Lodging, Travel, Meals $3,000

Professional Development, includes all except travel $2500

Professional Development Only, no lodging, no travel $1800

**Special Registration Discount - Pay for 4 registrants and receive 1 free registration package of equal or lesser value!

Registration opens April 2018 

Click Here to complete the Summer Institute Interest Form


June 20-22: The SECME STEM Pipeline Diversity Summit... a three day convocation designed for SECME's partners -- industry/government, university and state/district education partners come together with SECME educators and alumni to discuss equity in STEM education and STEM workforce pipeline issues and to exchange ideas that promote engineering and technology career readiness and post-secondary access.

Who should attend? 

K-12 School District-level Leadership (curriculum specialists and coordinators); K-12 State Education Leadership (curriculum specialists and coordinators); SECME Member University Leadership; SECME Industry and Government Partners and Friends; STEM Industry Leaders Interested in Supporting STEM Education and Diversity in STEM; SECME Alumni

Registration Packages

All Inclusive (registration, lodging, travel, meals) - $1,800

Registration, lodging & meals - $1,300

General Registration (includes 1 banquet) - $500

Registration opens April, 2018


June 20-22:  The SECME National Student Engineering Competition

and Celebration of Student Success... an invitation only opportunity for winning SECME Region Competition student teams to compete for SECME National Championship titles. These student teams, their chaperones, and SECME ExxonMobil Scholars are hosted for several days by Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University's College of Engineering which provides on-campus college readiness and STEM experiences during the National Competition 3-day program.


SECME Summer Institute Sponsors







Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University 

College of Engineering



Please visit our new website at the University of Florida.

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