How do I donate to SECME Inc.?
You can donate to SECME Inc. through Credit Card, Cash App, Text to Give, or Cashier check.
The SECME National Office would like to thank you in advance for considering making an investment in SECME Inc. Your financial and in-kind donations will help support our shared mission, which states “To increase the pool of historically underrepresented and underserved students who will be prepared to enter and complete post-secondary studies in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM), thus creating a diverse and globally competitive workforce.”
Via Credit Card
Via Cash App
Our Cash App is $SECMENational
Via Text to Give
Text 'Give' to 404-974-3214
SECME is a GA Gives Non-Profit
Via Cashier Check
Make checks payable to:
225 North Ave NW
Atlanta, GA 30332-0270
Donations mailed via FED EX or UPS mail to:
Attn: SECME INC., Ms. Michele Williams (McMillian Building, Room 241)
1630 Metropolitan Pkwy SW
Atlanta, Georgia 30310
*SECME is fully recognized as a (501) (c)(3) IRS designated organization. Your contribution is tax-deductible.