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Teacher-Centered, Student-Focused




​What is SECME ?


Founded in 1975 as The Southeastern Consortium for Minorities in Engineering, SECME is an alliance of K-12 educators, universities and industry/government partners committed to engaging and preparing more minorities and girls for college and careers in STEM.


The SECME model includes research-based strategies to address the barriers to STEM majors and careers for minorities and girls. These include:

  • STEM professional development and classroom resources for teachers

  • University partners committed to supporting teachers, early engagement of K-12 students and facilitating career-relevant STEM competitions

  • University students and STEM industry mentors and coaches supporting K-12 competition and project teams


SECME is NOT a curriculum. Many schools, universities and partners have implemented SECME programs as their STEM initiatives or to complement, or enhance existing STEM programs. Click here to learn more about SECME and how you can join the SECME alliance and contribute to our shared goal toward equity and excellence in STEM education.



Please visit our new website at the University of Florida.

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